
Revised Common Lectionary Commentary

Fourth Sunday of Easter - April 21, 2024

Introductions for Readers

Saint Dominic contemplating the Scriptures

Saint Dominic
contemplating the Scriptures

Acts 4:5-12

When Peter and John have visited the Temple to pray, Peter has cured a crippled man – who has praised God and entered the Temple with them. Peter and John have preached the good news to the crowd – but the religious authorities have arrested them.

1 John 3:16-24

The author has exhorted his fellow members of the Christian community to love each other. This love is to be grounded in the love of Jesus for his disciples.

John 10:11-18

Jesus continues to speak of himself as the good shepherd, an image familiar to his audience. True followers, he has said, recognize the good shepherd. “I am the gate. Whoever enters by me will be saved ... and will find pasture ... I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly”.

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