
Revised Common Lectionary Commentary

Second Sunday in Lent - February 25, 2024

Introductions for Readers

Saint Dominic contemplating the Scriptures

Saint Dominic
contemplating the Scriptures

Genesis 17:1-7,15-16

Sarai is childless and advanced in years; she has not provided Abram with an heir. While his line can continue through Ishmael, he would much prefer that a son born of his wife be his heir.

Romans 4:13-25

Earlier in this epistle, Paul has argued that through the gospel, it is faith that brings humankind into harmony with God, not adherence to Mosaic law. Now he takes Abraham as an example.

Mark 8:31-38

Outside Israel, visiting the villages around Caesarea Philippi, Jesus has asked his disciples who they believe him to be. Peter has identified him as the Messiah, the one expected to come at the end of the era.

Mark 9:2-9

Jesus has foretold his death and resurrection, and that God’s kingdom will begin soon. Peter has recognized that he is the Messiah, the one expected to come to usher in the Kingdom at the end of the era.

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