Saint Dominic |
Job 23:1-9,16-17 Job, a man of great integrity and fidelity to God, has been stripped of all his possessions and of his children. He is suffering greatly both mentally and physically. Eliphaz, one of his three friends, has just wrongly advised him that to be suffering as he is, he must have committed grave sins. Now Job seeks to plead his case before God. Hebrews 4:12-16 The author has written that Christ, the sympathetic and trustworthy “high priest”, took on being human in every way, being tested by suffering. Through his death he is able to restore us to oneness with God, freeing us from the power of evil forces – as his readers are now tempted to desert the faith. Mark 10:17-31 Wealth can be a barrier to entry into the kingdom of God – to inheritance of eternal life. People can put possessions before God. They cannot gain entry themselves, for it is God who gives eternal life. Discipleship will be rewarded in heaven, and will bring social and religious fellowship in this life. © 1996-2022 Chris Haslam |
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