Saint Dominic |
Genesis 15:1-12,17-18 Our reading is two stories of gifts from God. In the first, Abram is promised a son and many descendants. In the second, God promises the Promised Land to them. In both stories, Abram comes in contact with the divine in visions. In the first, he trusts even though he has no concrete evidence, but in the second, God indicates his commitment through the symbol of fire. Philippians 3:17-4:1 At a time when he is in prison, Paul offers himself as an example of centering oneself in Christ, in his sufferings, even though he is yet to understand Christ completely. Many members of the Church at Philippi, he says, make the mistake of either being self-centred or insisting on following Jewish practices. Luke 13:31-35 Warned that his life is in danger, Jesus says that he still has much to do in his earthly ministry, but the time will shortly come when his work will be complete. He has tried to bring the people of Judea to him but they have not listened to the good news. Only when they see his triumphal entry into Jerusalem on the first Palm Sunday will they recognize him for who he is. Luke 9:28-36 While we do not know the exact nature of Jesus’ transfiguration, we do recognize that it began with prayer and grew into a profound religious experience. Jesus discusses his departure with Moses and Elijah. He is embarking on the path of doing God’s will, as Moses the lawgiver and Elijah the prophet had done before him. © 1996-2022 Chris Haslam |
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