At the end of 2002, we shared with many our desire to take the Gospel to more children at Christmas time.
For sure, you are curious to hear how God answered the prayers regarding this issue.
Indeed all the rallies, which had been planned, took place without any problems .We started on 21 December in the towns of Campulung and Pitesti (in the afternoon), 23 December at Rucar and 24 December at Cotesti. We thank God for taking care of each detail. A small thing that might encourage you -before the rallies we wanted to bring to God the problem of discipline (which is quite an issue in towns and large cities). To us it is still a miracle the way that God answered .All the children sat completely still-like stones. Even if they sat like stones, We still pray that God will touch their hearts with His Word and His Spirit. Please continue to join us in prayer so that God will transform the lives of children. May He use all the Christian calendars that were given away. We pray that He will put in the children's heart and the adults too, a desire to read them on daily basis.
The year of 2003 started with his blessings. From 3-5 January we took some of the teenagers from our Youth Challenge group to a weekend camp. We believe that it was a blessed time for all of us. Keep praying for all the teenagers taking part in our clubs. Pray that God would touch their hearts with His Word and as the Jews in the Bible, that they would ask, "what must we do ?". We want them to seek first the Kingdom of God and we know they will do it if you keep lifting them up to the throne of grace .
A year has passed and another year has come we are sure that God has prepared good works for us to do for His glory.
As for us, the next weeks seem to be very busy. The children look forward to us teaching them at Good News Clubs. We do need people to help us and take over some of the clubs. We expect God to answer this prayer and prepare people after His own heart with burden for the lost. We ask God to bless Ramona, Mihaela, and Loredana that they will continue to go teaching the clubs with faithfulness. We wold love to pray more and encourage Costi, Anca and Adi to learn to get more involved in children's ministry. As the harvest is great not only in Arges, God has shown us the need of training Christian workers in Timis. The second Week of February (10-16) we will teach for the first time together a Training week. Please pray for Vio as he will be teaching for the first time and also pray for all the students that they would get God's vision for reaching children. The month of March will be full of conferences for children's workers. With God's help, we want to go to all the conferences that will take place: Bucharest 8 March, Deva 15 March, Pascani 29 March.
We hope that by reading this prayer letter, you will get to see how God answers prayers. We are thankful to you for choosing somehow to be anonymous before people by staying on the second line of the battle but we also want you to realize that without your part the work would not be what it is today. We do know that you have the Hope of the reward from the righteous One but we also wanted to remind you how important you are for the work.
William Carey used to say , "Let's do great things for God and expect great things from God."
We are determined to do this in this year, not to do what William Carey said but to honor God through this and allow our faith in Him to grow.
Thank you for supporting us in doing great things for the Lord!
If you want to write or contact us you can do it at
or write to:
Grigore Viorel & Estera
Str.gen.Dragalina nr 6A
Bl D 1 Sc C Et 4 Ap 12
Campulung-Muscel, 0425