Parish of St. BARNABAS (estab. 1959)  The Anglican Church of Canada—Diocese of Montreal 12301 Colin St., Pierrefonds, Quebec H9A 1C3 514-684-4460

SPECIAL EVENTS @ St. Barnabas Church:

Save the dates:


St. Barnabas Day BBQ & Picnic

25th  Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood

International Dinner 2014

Confirmation 2013

Back to Church Sunday 2013

Read more about all our activities in our quarterly newsletter, The Script.  

Read more about Sunday School activities:  Sunday School Newsletters

Do YOU have a special event coming up? Click on the HALL RENTALS page: maybe you can use our facilities.

Questions? Want more information? Contact the church office: call 514-684-4460 or email:

Photos by R. Haines The Parish of St Barnabas © 1999 -2014  Last update: 2015-06-22