Youth Ministries of the Diocese of Montreal
Many parishes have youth groups that meet regularly. Their meeting encompass many elements. Some gather for spiritual growth and study, while others meet for social reasons. Here in the Diocese of Montreal we like to encourage groups to join in activities together. If your group is doing something that others might like to attend, notify us at so we can put your event on our calendar.
Many young people are involved in their parishes' music ministry. Some are involved in bands leading a contemporary type worship service; while others enjoy singing in their parish's choirs. Finally there are those who have formed their own grapes to sing their message. Check out there sites and if you have time, listen to some of their clips.
Another way youth participate in their church services is by being Altar Servers, also known as acolytes. These people assist at the alter and help with other general liturgical functions such as leading processions. Also, many youth are reading the weekly lessons and becoming chalice bearers. For more information on acolytes or chalice bearers please contact our diocesan liturgical officer, Archdeacon Peter Hannen at 514-843-6577.
Each day many parishes are implementing new programs to educate their youth. For example, St. Barnabas in Pierrefonds offers a program called Journey into Adulthood. Also several parishes in the Diocese have made available the youth Alpha program. This year the Diocese is offering its Youth Challenge Program. This program allows youth to get involved in their parish life, community and grow deeper in their relationships with Christ. For more information click on the link. Youth Challenge Program
Two choir camps are held in the Diocese of Montreal each Summer: The Eastern Townships Choir Camp at St-Luke's in Waterloo, in mid August. For information contact the Youth Desk at (514)639-3298. The Annual Boys' Choir Course held in August at the Cammac Center in the Laurentians. For a week the boys practice several hours a day, preparing for the closing service. The boys also have daily talks on a theme, and of course, the camp also includes plenty of sports and recreation. For more information contact Patrick Weed at (514)843-6577.
Crosstalk Ministries is a home mission agency rooted in the Anglican Diocese of Montreal. This Ministry is committed to "helping young people of all ages become stronger disciples of Jesus Christ". Each Summer, daycamps reach over a thousand children, as teams of mostly young people travel around the country, from Manitoba to the lower north Shore of Quebec leading the camps. It also runs residential camps at the end of the summer, Junior Camp for 10-12 year olds and Senior Camp 13-17 year olds. At Focus, 17-25 year olds gather over Labour day weekend, for worship, prayer, teaching and fellowship. During the year, monthly youth services are held. Crossroads is aimed at Senior campers, and is held at St-Georges Church, Place du Canada, every third Sunday of the month. Light House, aimed at the Junior camp age group, is help every first Friday of the month, alternately on the South Shore and the West-Island. For more information, visit the Crosstalk Ministries Web Site. Crosstalk Ministries Web Site.
Quebec Lodge is a beautiful camp on the shores of Lake Massawippi in the Eastern Townships. It is owned and operated by the Diocese of Quebec, and ministers to youth from the Dioceses of Quebec and Montreal,. Their programmes aim to prepare people to take their places as Christians in today's world.
Both Concordia and McGill Universities have Chaplaincy services. These are a resource worth finding out about if you are a student. I.V.C.F. Another resource for students... Intervarsity Christian Fellowship is a non-denominational organisation which supports christian groups in schools. Most universities and Cegeps and some high schools have groups that meet for Bible studies, prayer, worship, evangelism and fellowship. You can find a group in your school, or maybe even start one.
Youth Involvement Programs