Here you may download the most recent Kidstuff newsletters in colour for printing or on screen viewing in Adobe Acrobat PDF files.The Acrobat document reader is usually included with your WWW browser (Netscape Navigatior or Internet Explorer) but may be downloaded for free at the Adobe Acrobat Reader page.
Pentecost 2005
Adobe Acrobat(1,100k)
Lent 2005
Adobe Acrobat(710k)
Advent 2004
Adobe Acrobat(995k)
Harvest 2004
Adobe Acrobat(800k)
Lent 2004
Adobe Acrobat(800k)
(Pentecost 2004)
Adobe Acrobat (700k)
(Advent 2003)
Adobe Acrobat (200k)
(Pentecost 2003)
Adobe Acrobat (700k)
(Lent 2003)
Adobe Acrobat (500k)
Editorial note:
KIDSTUFF is published quarterly by KIDSTUFF The Committee for Childrens Ministry, Anglican Diocese of Montreal. Its purpose is to inform and encourage parents and teachers working in children's ministry in this Diocese.
KIDSTUFF is sent to all Sunday School Superintendents in the Anglican Diocese of Montreal, and anyone else who requests it.
The newsletter is free of charge.
KIDSTUFF replaces CUNews. It is printed
at the Synod Office. KIDSTUFF is edited
by Valerie Taylor and Nancy Greene
We encourage you to send submissions of ideas and articles to:
The Committee for Children's Ministry
Anglican Diocese of Montreal
1444 Union Ave.
Montreal, QC H3A 2B8
Valerie Taylor, Chairperson (Montreal)
Nancy Greene , Newsletter
The Rev. Chris Belle, Clergy Rep.
Guy Grolimond, Webpages
Nancy Greene-Grégoire, (City),
Debbra Shane (West Island),
Vicky Boldo-Dêschenes (Laurentians),
n.b. Eastern Townships and South Shore reps are needed! If you are involved with your Sunday school children and want to be part of this team please let Valerie Taylor know.